Eye Surgery Innovation: Cataract and Refractive Surgery
personalEYES | 6 Jun 2019

Our warmest congratulations to Dr. Chandra Bala and Dr. Kerrie Meades, who recently published in the distinguished Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.
Dr Bala is our surgical director and is a specialist cataract, refractive and corneal surgeon with a keen interest in research and development. In May he presented his research at the annual American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Symposium and Congress and won best paper of the session.
More recently he presented more findings in London at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery where his results garnered praise from his peers.
As our medical director, Dr Meades is passionate about innovation and technology especially when it comes to optimisation of surgical results.
A specialist cataract and refractive surgeon, she was the first in Australia to utilise three different femtosecond laser platforms for cataract surgery as well as implant the first raindrop inlay for treatment of presbyopia.
Published in May, Dr Bala and Dr Meades report on a case of inverting an IOL in order to optimise the patients reading vision due to the presence of an inferonasal corneal scar which caused 3.0D of corneal flattening inferior to the pupil.
More recently, in August, Dr Bala and Dr Meades published electron microscopic findings of the laser capsulotomy when comparing three different laser platforms. They concluded that laser capsulotomies are approaching the smoothness of the manual capsulorhexis and that laser technology was changing and improving with each generation of laser platforms.
We are very proud to have these talented and dedicated doctors as part of our team.

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